Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Years Resolution: Magic Hands

For those of you that don't know, I've been traveling through Asia for the last 4 months.   I left NYC in Sept and have traveled through China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand.  All that and I've still got 3 more months to go!

As glamourous as it all sounds, being on the go all the time isn't easy.  It's actually pretty stressful and exhausting.  I decided to give myself a "break" that is going to benefit to all of you when I return.  Starting next week, I will begin a 5- week Thai Massage certification in Chang Mai, Thailand.  I can't pass up the opportunity to settle down in one place for awhile AND advance my holistic knowledge with a certification directly from the source. 
I’ll be taking levels 1-5 at the Thai Massage School of Chang Mai. It includes 90 hours of comprehensive study and a 60-hour internship working with special needs children and the senior community.

I’m preselling massages that I’ll give upon my return in mid- late April. Buy ‘em up while I’m selling at Thai prices. As soon as we get back to NYC, I’ll have to switch back into competitive business survival mode!
Buy a few for yourself and while you’re at it, buy a few as gifts! I’ll travel to any of the boroughs in NYC. (Sorry Staten Island and NJ-you don’t count). I’ll be in Meyersdale sometime in April to see family, so PA isn’t left out either. And, (for all you massage newbies out there) Thai massage is done in comfortable clothes, you don’t even have to go through the unsettling experience of getting naked. I’ll meet you at the park, or sit behind you at the movies, or stroll into your office on your lunch hour. You name the place. (Ok. Maybe not the movies, but you catch my drift.)
I’ll offer these prices until April 1. You can pay through the PayPal link (below) and then I’ll reach out to you via email. Help me love you up…Thailand style!

$30 for 30min
$50 for 1hr
$75 for 1.5hrs

Have a happy and healthy New Year!
